NAAC Accredited with B+ Grade
शासन मान्यता सी. एस. डब्ल्यू. 1094/574/प्र. क्र. 160/ सुधार 1 दि.24/8/1994
Unversity Permission Letter No. AU/8/C-322/95. 08/03/1995

Courses Offered

BSW Bachelor of Social Work C.B.C.S. Pattern

Intake Capacity for 1st Year 80 Students
Eligibility 12th Pass or Equivalent
Course Duration 3 Years (Graduation)
Pattern Semester (Total 6)

BSW is a unique Course for standard 12th pass out students. The BSW is a three year Degree course. This course is entirely oriented toward working with people. It is helping professions of presentation, interventions and rehabilitation which solves social problems and enable people to realize their full potentials. The BSW course basics are social sciences, social problems, history and philosophy of social work, methods of social work.

Field work which is an integral part of the BSW course. Eight hours of field work during a week is compulsory, observation visits of agencies, Service Delivery Camp, Community work, group exposure visit, research work, seminars, group discussion sessions, study tour individual presentations, viva-voce, record keeping are the parts of field work. This course lays a strong foundation for post-graduate education in social work and other PG courses.

The institute reserves the right to ask a student to leave the course if he/she is found unsuitable for undergoing training in social work at any time during the period of training.

Fee for BSW

The student Has to pay the total amount of fee at the time of admission for BSW – I, II, & III year Except Reserve Category Students as per University rules.

BSW-Bachelor in Social Work - Syllabus

BSW I & II Semester - Download Syllabus

BSW III & IV Semester Download Syllabus

BSW V & VI Semester - Download Syllabus